

Extra working time and deadlines, I love to dedicate my energies and knowledge to support others.

Beside my attention to develop my hard and soft skills, I strongly believe in the power of cooperation and social awareness.
Investing time and money supporting others is not just charity: it is put in practice all the beautiful things with which we born, such as mutual understanding and compassion.

If you have no time maybe you have some money, and if you haven’t some money, maybe you have some time! Stop excuses and do the right thing!

There is always a way to help each other, and now more than ever a lot of people is in state of need.
If you are confused and you want to do something good but you don’t know where to start from, please read here below…There may be few organizations that are directly supporting the local communities not only promoting education but especially bringing food, medicines and any kind of support to local families.


Original website: www.lifelibraryfoundation.org
FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/lifelibraryfoundation
E-mail: Ven.samart@yahoo.com
Main values: provide scholarship and mentor students, support the poverty eradication.

Life Library Foundation, led by Ven. Oeun SamArt, always at the forefront in Cambodia to help the most exposed to poverty.

The Buddhist foundation is very active in many different areas of the country.
Supporting poor people providing education, assistance, scholarship and mentoring, but also delivering food, clothes and medicine to the less fortunate people.
I support and I know the foundation since years. Behind the beautiful buildings and the super cars on the street of Cambodia, there still be a lot of poverty, and the best way to contribute the the poverty eradication, it is to promote the education.
The new leaders should always remind that help each other is the right way to support the real development. Thinking about a prosperous future, we should visualize the power of the affirmation no one will be left behind.
Ven. Oeun SamArt was the one that in the middle of 2000 motivated and led the first Monks going in the streets of Phnom Penh to clean up from the trash left from the citizen long the ways. The people was shocked, because in the local belief, a Monk should never work or do something outside of the Temple, beside of studying and going for alms. He was one of the first to say that, that it is part of the duties of a Buddhist Monk to take care of the society, all the ways. And so they started to organize “cleaning events” and social activities in support of the community. Often Life Library Foundation leads tracks and cars with goods for poor families and books for poor children, reaching the people left behind in the very remote areas. Many other Monks and laypeople, followed the good example. This is possible thanks to the international cooperation with NGO such as SUREKKUN CAMBODIA as but also thanks to the support of Khmer citizen that donate to Life Library Foundations.
Please contact Ven Oeun SamArt now if you want to help Cambodian poor people about:

  • Scholarship
  • Library Building
  • Book collection and distribution
  • Social services
    After covid restrictions, you may have space also as volunteer.


Original website: www.vipassanameditation.asia
E-mail: clyde@vipassanameditation.asia
Main values: Practicing meditation consistently is a huge advantage for stress management but not only. In the long term meditation produces a great development of very important soft skills such as patience, acceptance, foresight, intuition, clear vision just to name a few. BCDC 13rd International Buddhist Center is at north of Chiang Mai, near the the Myanmar border. The whole natural environment is pure magic and the town community there is like gold. The Meditaton center is a serious place: they will require you to avoid to use your mobile and other digital device (sorry, no selfies for a little while.. )

BCDC 13rd International Buddhist Center, Fang, Chiang Mai, Thailand

The meditation center at the 13rd Buddhist Community Development Center (BCDC) is in the protected area of Wat Sriboonruang.
 I strongly support the diffusion of Vipassana Meditation and generally of all the holistic disciplines that can help humans to re-connect with their real nature and powers.
 Our life in the modern society is pretty confused by many factors.
 We are educated from an early age to adopt behavioral habits that keep us away from true happiness. It is certainly not a coincidence that many economically accomplished people spend a lot of money on psychological care.
Many people believe that meditation is a practice for sick people. This is because people who are experiencing complicated moments in their lives, often decide to retire to the Temple life in order to reorganize their mind.

Meditation is a practice that should be part of our day: for health people to be even better, for those who have some issue, it will lead to a better living…

Personally I met Vipassana Meditation during a personal path studying holistic disciplines. Luckily for me during the time I worked in Thailand, it was very easy to practice, as Thai people are very religious and even the most common people practice meditation quite often.

Please visit the website www.vipassanameditation.asia and check the program there: both Thai and English programs available with an international Monk teachers team skilled and prepared for any level of meditator.

BEC website: http://www.becmission.org/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/bec.organization
Main values: (from their FB impressum)
We are focused on Education and humanity
-Education, we teaching students for free and support them with school supplies like bicycles, clothes, and books. It’s including teaching morality to youths and prisoners.
-Humanity, help poor people and orphans.
BEC is founded in the purpose of promoting Buddhist Moral Value and social welfare.

BEC organization, Buddhist Center
Buddhism for Education of Cambodia
Battambang, Cambodia

This Buddist center is a bit out of Battambang, in the Banan district direction. Leaded by Ven. Hak Sienghai, this very active team consists of both Monks and lay people.
Inside the center there are daily training activities for children and adults that need to reinforce their skills and knowledge.
Courses and classes are about:
– IT / Computer
– English (various level)
– Chinese
and sometimes other languages and topics, are offered to the local comunity at very low price, in order to give the possibility to everyone to participate.
Session of Vipassana Meditation are also provided.
I have been volunteering as English teacher for months before covid. I saw a huge improvement in my students in few months, also in profiles that were said “without hope to learn it”. Probably a mix sinergy generated by the fact that I was able to teach them in Khmer Language, and probably for them to see a foreigner able to write and read was in a someway a great inspiration to try hard!
For me it was a great experience. I discovered to have a natural gift about teaching to young people. Teaching to children in fact is not easy at all.
Probably this step, which was done with the willing to support the local community, while I was living in Battambang city, has opened a door about a possibility, that I would have never considered. Never underestimate the power of volunteering!

error: Writing original contents takes time, effort and money. Please show love by sharing this content copying the link of this page! Contact me for any information: info@monicacosta.asia

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